Part 79: Update LXXVI - Featuring: Ultimate power
Update LXXVI - Featuring: Ultimate powerMusic: Forfeit - The Dragon Inquires

Hey look, an obvious setup for a barrier dragon that'll drag in three smaller dragons!

(Ruinous Dragons are Criminal Dragons that lose Headbutt in exchange for making Muscle Gaze AoE.)

(Icemorph Dragons are the same as Morphs, only Ball Hop now inflicts Freeze)

Shame GEORGE! exists, so all they can do is die.
...12K damage??????? That's insane! The only way you could really hit 5 digits in 2020 was during a second round against Nyala where his defenses are intentionally dropped to nothing, and GEORGE! broke past it like it was nothing!

Cannon Dragons are even nastier Tower Dragons that add in Confusion to all their status moves, while keeping the Poison and Venom Boost.
However, GEORGE! exists, so it'll never get to move.

Bit hard to tell, but you can see text scrolling on the monitors.
The monitors that, according to Mio, haven't been used in 70 years.

Another rule to the dungeon is that the door on the left will never be a teleporter.

Armor upgrade for tank classes.
GEORGE! doesn't get it because his armor gives him +5 SPD.

The connection cuts out.

Fun fact: The National Diet and Chidoragafuchi Park are only 1 KM away from each other. So while there probably isn't a hidden passage connecting the two in real life, it's at least a reasonable distance to cover!

I supposed ending up here was inevitable, really.

Golden Dragons are Dark Ones that can inflict full party Skill Seal.

Just have to check the left room before we can head to Yuma.

You know it'd be a lot more impactful seeing all these old locales in a new context if I could, like, see.


Okay, so Super Blast is, according to Chika way back in Chapter 2, 30 years old.
The Diet has been sealed off for 70 years.
So how did this Blaster Belt end up here?
Did Kirino break into his old base for giggles one day and accidentally leave it behind?

Christ, even the accessories are nonsensical.

Let's just go see the old Unit 13's room.

If you listen closely, they say you can hear a young woman giving a lecture about dragon taxonomy...

And so the entire dungeon was just one long circle.

That's the entire dungeon.

So let's go take care of an old friend.
Next time: The world's most intense staring contest.